Girl artisans rock!

Edzai C. Zvobwo | MGLI | 2014-10-15

“Glass ceiling” was coined in the late 1970’s to describe those invisible barriers that block the upward mobility of women in the workforce – namely organizational attitudes and prejudices that keep women from decision-making and leadership positions. Now, some 30 years later, there has been much progress for women in terms of employment opportunities, especially in business and education.

However, this has not been the case in science, where the under-representation of women, especially at senior levels, remains quite evident. In fact, a term has been coined specifically to represent this reality of women dropping out of science instead of moving up the career ladder: “the leaking pipeline”. (Amelia Goh, Helga Recke, CGIAR Gender and Diversity Program, 2008)

“I like maths and science therefore I am going to be an artisan of note”, this is the bold declaration of Patricia who is a girl in Grade 8. Not enough women made this kind of declaration when they were girls due to societal and cultural imbalances of the past. This article has been written with you girls and women in mind. It contains a message of hope, faith and belief that you can pursue a career of your choice just like men. Gone are the days when society stereotyped women as weak and incapable of doing certain jobs in the science, engineering, financial and medical fields. My message to you is: THE TIDE HAS SHIFTED, WOMEN OF THE 21ST CENTURY ARE CONQUERING IN ALL SPHERES OF LIFE AND WOMEN HAVE DOMINION OVER THEIR DESTINY.

“The world needs science…and science needs women” – Jennifer Campbell (Director of Philanthropy L’Oreal – L’Oreal’s For Women in Science Program with UNESCO)

There is a saying that “women are the custodians of life itself”. My appeal to you is: GIVE LIFE TO THAT INNER CRAVING FOR SUCCESS WHICH KNOWS NO BOUNDS AND LIMITATIONS. What can stop every girl child in excelling beyond the subjects being taught in schools? Women ought to be at the forefront of discoveries related to female reproductive health as opposed to men leading them. I am not saying men should not study and advance female related subjects but women would be better suited to find solutions for women related issues. Come on girls, YES YOU CAN EXCEL AND BE THE BEST IN ANY ARTISAN, SCIENTIFIC; ENGINEERING; MEDICAL AND FINANCIAL FIELD. Just have self confidence in yourself and not even the sky is the limit for you. You can be what you want to be as long as you have the conviction that you can.

 “I work very hard and do not give up easily even when things are tough. I tend to take setbacks in my life as a way of working even harder. I actually get challenged by doing the ‘impossible.’”- Tebello Fokong (South African female researcher of a ground-breaking cancer diagnosis and treatment).

I have gone over a lot of articles from many sources, looking for women artisans or engineers. Women who are the hallmark, the standard of what every girl can achieve. They have raised the bar so high that it is your duty to catch up and even set it higher.

With technology at your fingertips, I am sure you can do better that the legendary Marie Currie (I call her The Radium Woman) who had no technology in the 19th Century, but sheer determination and focus pushed her until she discovered the chemical elements Radium and Polonium.

In the process she got a double Nobel Prize which is the highest honour to be bestowed on an individual.

“No matter what the detractors say, I will have unwavering focus to achieve that which I set out to do. I am a mover and shaker”

Young lady, yes you can achieve success in any field of study or career if you put your mind to it. Despite the strides made by men in engineering and sciences in general, women have been contributing immensely and often times go unnoticed or uncelebrated.

It is my goal and wish that women will be recognised for their efforts and more girls will take up those jobs that previously were preserved for men. I hope it will catapult you to be the best you can be.

Dare to be strong, smart and courageous. Fasten your seat belt and be elevated to success, it starts with making up your mind to achieve success followed by choosing the correct subjects at grade 9 thereafter pursuing your chosen career with all your might and will.

“You should know how many incompetent men I had to compete with – in vain!” – Inge Lehmann.

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